The First Wives Club
Midnite weekend screenings happen on Friday & Saturday nights,. so please be sure to arrive on Friday and/or Saturday night by 11:45pm for seating and the screening will start after midnight.
Director: Hugh Wilson Run Time: 102 min. Format: DCP Release Year: 1996
Starring: Bette Midler, Diane Keaton, Goldie Hawn, Maggie Smith, Sarah Jessica Parker
After years of helping their hubbies climb the ladder of success, three mid-life Manhattanites have been dumped for a newer, curvier model. But the trio is determined to turn their pain into gain. They come up with a cleverly devious plan to hit their exes where it really hurts – in the wallet!
“My sisters and I, as I write in No Fault, absolutely loved this movie. We were probably way too young for it—when it was released in 1996, I would have been all of ten years old—but I think we were responding to the incredibly funny slapstick elements that keep the balance pitched just right between satire and seriousness. Every performance in the film is perfect to me, and every actor gets at least one completely, devastatingly, hilarious line of dialogue. Trust me, I’ve memorized the entire script.” -HALEY MLOTEK
Screening as part of The Divorced Women’s Film Festival curated by writer Haley Mlotek for the release of her new memoir “No Fault: A Memoir of Romance and Divorce”.
The screening will be introduced by Haley Mlotek and a special guest.
Read more about NO FAULT here.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Haley Mlotek is a writer, editor, and organizer. Her work has appeared in The New York Times Magazine, The New Yorker, The Nation, Bookforum, The Paris Review, Columbia Journalism Review, Vogue, Elle, Harper’s Bazaar, Hazlitt, and n+1, among others. She is a founding member of the Freelance Solidarity Project in the National Writers Union, teaches in the English and Journalism departments at Concordia University, and is the editorial lead at Feeld. Previously, Mlotek was the deputy editor of SSENSE, the style editor of MTV News, the editor of The Hairpin, and the publisher of WORN Fashion Journal.
Doors Open 30 Minutes Before Showtime.